All posts by Darwin Hampton
Nietzsche and Anarchy
Against the Assad Regime’s Conquest of Eastern Aleppo

We members of the Black Rose/Rosa Negra Rojava-Syria Solidarity Committee (BRRN-RSSC) in the strongest terms condemn the Bashar al-Assad regime and its Russian and Iranian allies for their recent conquest of Eastern Aleppo. This brutal defeat of the Aleppo rebels, who were both secular and Islamist, has entailed massively indiscriminate bombardment and besiegement by the Syrian regime and allied Russian and Iranian forces against a civilian population numbering 250,000 people over the past several months. On December 12, 2016, this ruthless “scorched-Earth” policy targeting Eastern Aleppo yielded a final defeat of the rebels there, in addition to an “agreement” supposedly stipulating their evacuation with families to secure areas.
Continue reading Against the Assad Regime’s Conquest of Eastern Aleppo
The 1871 Paris Commune, The First Working Class Uprising
A brief history of the world’s first socialist working class uprising. The workers of Paris, joined by mutinous National Guardsmen, seized the city and set about re-organising society in their own interests based on workers’ councils. They could not hold out, however, when more troops retook the city and massacred 30,000 workers in bloody revenge.
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Hommage to Aleppo: What it means to me here
This text was written and posted quickly, but has since been edited slightly and had problems with the endnotes corrected
After four years of autonomy, East Aleppo, the rebellious city, has fallen. As I write this, buses full of evacuated people are arriving in areas controlled by non-Assadist armed groups in the Idlib area, to the south-west, and some ambulances carrying seriously injured people are crossing the border into Turkey. In the past few days, over a hundred thousand people had their homes, already destroyed by months of intensive bombardment, captured by the the Syrian military or (more likely) allied armed groups, such as Hezbollah (1). Some of these people have been killed in the streets, others divided up by sex and sent to internment camps or conscripted into the military to serve as canon fodder. The others wait, watching as more soldiers arrive and their neighbours are sorted, wondering what’s next.
Continue reading Hommage to Aleppo: What it means to me here
Not My President!
The New Resistance
The rise of a U.S. movement which rejects the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency.
In demonstrations across the United States, protestors have raised signs saying, “Not My President!” Obviously they are not denying that state machinery has given Donald J. Trump the position of head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, ruler of the mightiest and wealthiest state in the world. What they are denying is Trump’s legitimacy for the position, his moral right to claim the presidency.
‘Trump is the fulfillment of an ancient Chinese curse’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)
“May you live in interesting times” was a curse the ancient Chinese hurled at their adversaries, wishing them strife, oppression, and struggle. It applies to us now because for all the uncertainties a Trump presidency holds, it will certainly be an interesting time, filled with opportunities for resistance and perhaps revolution.
Continue reading ‘Trump is the fulfillment of an ancient Chinese curse’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)
The fall of Eastern Aleppo
Statement by YPG commander Polat Can on the fall of east-Aleppo.
Eastern Aleppo has fallen today, but looking at the root causes that paved the way to that fall you will realize it was inevitable not because the Baath forces and their allies are stronger or the Islamist factions are weaker but because the tens of factors that accompanied the first fall in 2012 lead to the second fall today.
The first fall was quick, unorganised and came early while the second fall came late, was painful and destructive, in other words; the first fall was a preface to the second.
Earlier this week, we published a text from a comrade entitled Does Trump Represent Fascism, or White Supremacy? We’ve received this counterpoint on the same topic.
Trump’s election signals a turn in a century-old cycle, one we ought to recognize by now. The U.S. has been experiencing growing populist discontent, a sentiment fostered by poor material conditions for the working class. The Left has had a few token victories (a black president, gay civil rights), but has, predictably, not demonstrated the revolutionary potential that could lead to real changes in most peoples’ lives. This failure is bitterly felt.
Does Trump Represent Fascism or White Supremacy?
A guest column by PG
How should we understand the impending presidency of Donald Trump? What should we be prepared for? While some have framed Trump’s victory as a sign of resurgent fascism, our guest contributor argues that we should see it as the latest development in a much older phenomenon, which is not an interruption of democracy but intimately interlinked with it.
Continue reading Does Trump Represent Fascism or White Supremacy?